Monday 31 October 2011

Week 4 Day 1

Well after another week off due to kids school holidays I have finally been able to get back out for a run and it felt fantastic.

Todays challenge was to run for 3 minutes, walk for 90 seconds, run for 5 minutes, walk for 2.5minutes and then repeat it all.  I completed the first 3 minute run no problem, I was a bit worried about the 5 minute run but I did it!!  I got through nearly the whole half hour podcast without any problems but on the very last 5 minute run I got cramps in my calf muscle and a stitch so I had to walk for the end of it but I am so proud of what I had already managed to do that I refuse to dwell on it.  I can only improve by keeping at it.

I am constantly amazed by what I am achieving, I have lost 11lbs in weight and also in the past 3weeks I have lost 7inches in total from chest, stomach, waist and legs :) I am a size smaller in clothes now too!  It feels so much better than any food tastes!

Many of my couch to 5k friends have now signed up for marathons, half marathons, 10k runs etc, I don't feel like I am at that point yet but I will definitely be doing race for life at the very least and this time I will be running!  I never thought I would say that.

I just really want to thank everyone who has supported and inspired me to keep going, when I am running around the field I think of so many people who have gave me great advice and words of wisdom.  You know who you are!

Thursday 20 October 2011

Week 3 DONE finally!!

After what feels like forever I have managed to get to the end of week 3 and it feels great! :)

I was much more organised this morning, I used the right podcast, put my gloves and headband on before pressing play and my water bottle didn't go floppy haha!

It was absolutely freezing and the grass was frosty but after the warm up walk I didn't even notice the cold.  For some reason I have always found the first 3 minute run harder than the second and today was the same but I got through it and the second one went really well. No aches and pains at all today which is a massive bonus!

I still can't believe I can run for 3 minutes without stopping!!  Week 4 looks scary on paper but so did week 3 and with some hard work I have made it through.  I have now lost 9lbs since September and I feel so much better for it and people are starting to comment on how well I am looking, clothes are feeling loose and my best friend Helen who hasn't been up north since before I started came up this week and said I look different too!

I feel fitter, healthier and happier and that is a motivation in itself.  I feel like I should be trying to progress away from running round and round a football field but I feel comfortable there and I very rarely see anyone else except the 2 dog walkers who always say hello and smile!  My fitness levels are obviously improving so no matter where I run I am achieving something. 

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Week 3 day 3

Well I have done week 3 day 3 this morning, it wasn't one of my better runs.  On previous weeks I have felt like day 3 was comfortable and I managed it easily and was ready to move onto the next stage, I don't feel confident of that today.  I think I am going to repeat this day again before moving onto week 4.  I think the 9 days off have meant I need to work a little bit harder to get back to where I was before.

I didn't have a great start to the run today either though.  I got through my 5 minute warm up walk and then realised I was listening to the podcast for week 2 so I had to take my phone out of my arm strap holder thingy and play the week 3 podcast, I managed to get it to the exact point of the first run however I was running carrying my phone and arm strap holder thingy, I had one glove on and one in my hand, I dropped my water and it was basically total chaos.  During the next walk I managed to get myself together but my water bottle went all floppy which was weird so it was harder to keep hold of it.  Anyone watching me would have had a right laugh!! Haha!

I did manage the run but it was quite hard work, especially fighting against the wind. I am going to redo it on thursday or friday.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Week 3 day 2 - back on track!

Finally I have managed to get out for a run, its 9 days since the last one so I was a little worried that it would be a struggle but actually it wasn't so bad.

The first 90 second run was great, the first 3 minute run I had to stop a little bit before Laura told me to as I had a stitch so needed to walk and get water, I think I probably walked between 30-60seconds for this.  The next 2 runs were fine.  I wouldn't say they were brilliant but considering I haven't done any exercise for over a week I think I did pretty well overall.

The aches and pains are definitely less significant now, I can always tell when I walk down the hill at the end as it normally really hurts my shins but today it was fine.

So luckily I feel like being illl and having missed so much excercise hasn't really set me back, I have picked up from where I left off and plan to get week 3 finished on tuesday morning!

Friday 14 October 2011

The couch to 5k journey has been delayed!

Hi everyone, just wanted to post a quick update to let you know I haven't given up.  I realise I have been very quiet in the past week since I completed week 3 day 1, I have had a kidney infection and its caused me to feel really rubbish and I haven't managed to get out for any runs.

I am hoping to get back out next week and complete week 3.  I have felt really rubbish not being able to do any exercise, I have really missed it.

Going to try and ease myself in nicely with a nice family walk over the weekend to see how I feel. 

Don't worry I definitely haven't quit and will be jumping back onto the C25K bandwagon ASAP!!

Friday 7 October 2011

Week 3 day 1

First run of week 3 this morning went really well!!  I can't believe I can actually run for 3 minutes without stopping, TWICE!! The 2 90second runs felt like a walk in the park today but I was worried about the 3 minutes, I shouldn't have been, it was fine!

My fitness levels have really improved in the past couple of weeks, I find it incredible.  I am still very slow but I don't care as long as I get through it.  This was actually the easiest day 1 of all 3 weeks so I am excited to see how it feels by day 3.

The aches and pains were much better again today too which really helps a lot.  My face looked a lot less red when I was finished too.

I am going to have the weekend off from exercise as I have had a really busy, hectic and at times very stressful week but the amount of exercise I have packed in has been impressive if I do say so myself!

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Week 2.......DONE!!

I have finally completed week 2 after having to redo the second day on Monday.

It was tough today as it was very windy and starting to rain but I got stuck in and got it done, found it easier than the other 2 days in terms of not getting so out of breath but felt a lot of pain in my shins while running and in my calves when I stopped. 


So week 3 is next and looking at it on paper it seems quite scary to run for 3 minutes but at the beginning of this plan I struggled to run at all even for 60 seconds. 

I am so proud of myself for sticking to this plan up till now and hope week 3 doesn't put me off, its quite worrying that by half term holidays I should be running 20 minutes with no walking???  I might struggle to get out and do my runs that week with the kids being off school but will have to cross that bridge when I come to it.

Monday 3 October 2011

Week 2 day 2, second attempt!

I was planning to redo W2D2 tomorrow as I was waiting in all day today for a new TV to be delivered, when it turned up early afternoon I decided I was going to go out for my run. 

I was a bit wary after last time but decided that it was a new day, the sun was shining and I had pasta for dinner so my body is much more prepared than it was on Saturday at 7am.

I went back to my usual spot where no one ever goes and just got on with it!  I was very surprised how easily I managed to complete it. I finished every single run without a problem.

I just came back and said to my BFF Helen on facbook chat
OMFG i absolutely nailed it, smashed it, blew it out of the park and kicked its little butt!
When I got back in the car to drive home pleased as punch Michael Jackson The Way You Make Me Feel was playing and I tell you what I feel bloody great!!

Time for a few stretches and a soak in the bath before I decide if the legs are up to a zumba class tonight!!

Sunday 2 October 2011

Feeling much better today

Well after a disastrous day yesterday my legs felt so much better this morning which I was pleased about, I was worried I might be a bit stiff.

I had to go to the metro so did lots of walking around and when I bought some clothes I had to buy a size smaller, what a fantastic incentive to keep going, it's obviously working!  I even *bumped* into run geordie run (mark allison) on the shelves of WHSmith (front page of this months NE Fit) which made me smile!

I am aiming to repeat week 2 day 2 tomorrow or tuesday depending how I feel when I get up.    Tnank you to everyone who has sent me messages or comments of support to keep going, I will, I promise!

Saturday 1 October 2011

Week 2 day 2 = DISASTER!

I was so impressed with myself this morning getting out of bed at 6.45 to head out for a run.  I got myself up and sorted, grabbed my water and phone and headed out. 

While I was doing my warm up walk I noticed a strange man was following me and every direction I went he changed where he was going to follow, he also cut across the grass to come towards me and it totally freaked me out.  I was starting to panic and had to dodge through lots of different short cuts to get rid of him, not a good start!!

When it got to the 90 second run I found the first one was not a problem but by the 2nd I was already starting to struggle and had to walk for the end of it, by the third one I was in so much pain in my left leg that I was limping.  I tried to carry on but I literally felt like my legs had turned into jelly.  For the first time since I started C25K I had to finish the run early.  I even struggled to walk home.

I had a bad stomach bug on thursday and I have a feeling that I might not have recovered as fully as I thought and because of the bug I haven't ate very much the past 2 or 3 days so this has probably all had an impact.

I am disappointed but I am going to try not to dwell on it and just repeat day 2 week 2 in a couple of days when my legs have recovered and rested.